2024 District Convention



30th Biennial Convention
June 20-22, 2024

Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center
1 Civic Center Plaza
Mankato, MN




Walk in Love

Scripture Verse: 
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:1-2).  

Convention Message:
As we “talk the talk,” may we be encouraged to “walk the walk” as God’s beloved children, sharing the love of Christ with others.

Gifts from the Heart: 
Orphan Grain Train

Convention Manual


Keynote Speaker
Rev. Dr. Lucas Woodford - President, MN South District, LCMS




Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich




Bible Study Leader
Rev. Craig McCourt






LWML Representative
Debbie Yocky - Public Relations Director






Humorous Interrupter
Joel Landskroener - Mayer Lutheran High School, MN






Mission Speakers
Rev. Vance & Linda Becker





Mission Speaker
Rev. Jon Kuehne






Mission Speaker
Gary Thies







Gifts of Love
Carol von Soosten






Worship Pianist
Wendy Greiner






This page was last updated on August 11, 2024.